Remember, the keywords for this challenge are: Modern, Light Blue, White, Lights, Minimal.
(Don’t forget to write both your GalleryID and Tumblr or other social Nickname so i can find you!) ( Optional) You can upload the lot renovation pictures on Tumblr too tagging or reblogging this post. Pinned Post ts4 skin ts4 infants skin sims 4 infant cc s4 infants ts4 infant cc maxis match cc maxis match skin s4. To Entry the Contest you have to upload the renovated building on the Gallery with the hashtag #EmmeSimsChallenge The best Renovation of the Contest will WIN an Expansion/Game/Stuff Pack or Kit of his choice! DOWNLOAD the Build on Ts4 Gallery: - #EmmeSimsChallenge
BUILDERS OF THE SIMS 4 are you ready for an early ‘2000 Italian Apartment Renovation?